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Biodiversity of the Bellinger and Kalang River Systems (Bellingen Shire Council)​

The Bellinger-Kalang Rivers and adjacent lands are extremely biodiverse. This resource outlines the endangered ecological communities and threatened species in detail.

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Giant Spiny Crayfish Survey - Kalang River (2017)

Methods, results & discussion of Kalang River and adjoining tributaries surveyed by: Rob McCormack, Jonas Bellchambers, Kath Kelly and interested parties in 2017.

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Condition of freshwater fish assemblages in the Bellinger Catchment NSW (2010)

A report to the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority, November 2010

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Movements and habitat use of the endangered giant barred river frog (Mixophes iterates) and the importance for its conservation in the timber production forests (Lemckert, F. & Brassil, T. 2000)

Ecosystems and Threatened Species, North East Region, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage by Mick Andren.

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Scrub Turpentine Assessment (August 2019)

Assessment of the likelihood of occurrence of Critically Endangered Rhodamnia rubescens (scrub turpentine) within Scotchman and Roses Creek State Forests.

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Bellinger River Snapping Turtle - NSW Scientific Committee

The Scientific Committee, established by the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 (the Act), has made a Final Determination to list the Bellinger River Snapping Turtle Myuchelys georgesi (Cann, 1997) as a critically endangered species. 

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Monitoring the Rufous Scrub-bird Atrichornis rufescens in the New England Region (Anden, M. 2016)

Ecosystems and Threatened Species, North East Region, New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage by Mick Andren.

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The risk of inter-specific competition in Australia short necked turtle (2014)

Freshwater turtles are threatened globally;

however, short-necked turtles in Eastern Australia have been particularly successful in exploiting natural and man-made permanent water bodies.

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Water Security

Kalang River Health Plan - Bellingen Shire Healthy Rivers Program (2010)

The Kalang River Health Plan is an important component of the long term

strategy to improve water quality in the Kalang River and protect industry

and the community.

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Water Quality Monitoring of the Bellinger and Kalang Rivers – Technical Report 2015-2016 (Bellingen Shire Council)

Bellingen Shire Council (BSC) resolved to conduct water quality monitoring to inform the Council, community and various government and non-government agencies of the current water quality of Bellingen Shire’s rivers and estuaries.

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Logging the Kalang Headwaters

Call for Forestry Excesses of the past to end! Call for action for Oakes SF (KRFA 2021)

This is a call to action to join the effort to protect these steep, upriver public native forests, that stabilise the land, provide clean water, a refuge for threatened species such as the koala and mitigate against climate change.

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Compliance of Forestry Operations in North East NSW with Commonwealth requirements for Threatened Species and Ecosystems 

This report reviews the protection applied both in theory and practice to nationally threatened species and ecological communities in forestry operations in the North East NSW Regional Forest Agreement (NE RFA) area.

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Economics of  logging native forests

Economic Impact Analysis and Environmental Benefit Assessment – Final Report for the Great Koala National Park – (University of Newcastle, Feb 2021)

The 2020 NSW Parliamentary Inquiry into Koala populations and habitat in New South Wales found that koalas will become extinct in NSW before 2050 without urgent government intervention. Critically, this assessment was based on evidence presented to the Inquiry, before the bushfires in the summer of 2019/2020.

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Money doesn’t grow on trees
The financial and economic losses of native forestry in NSW

Native forest logging by the Forestry Corporation of NSW generated losses of $79m over the last seven years - discontinuing the practice could deliver significant benefits to the state of NSW.

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Soil Assessments

Review of soil assessments of state forests in the Kalang Catchment, Northeast Region, NSW

This report has been requested by Mr Ashley Love (Bellingen Environment Centre), who represents residents concerned about proposed logging activities on steep land by the Forestry Corporation (Forestry Corporation of NSW, 2017) in the Oakes, Roses Creek and Scotchman State Forests in the headwaters of the Kalang River catchment on the NSW mid north coast.

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Land and Soil Hazards on the Nambucca Beds, Northeast NSW

This report was commissioned by Mr Ashley Love of the Bellingen Environment Centre, on behalf of the North Coast Environment Council (NCEC), due to concerns about proposed logging activities on steep land by the NSW Forestry Corporation in river catchments on the Nambucca Beds on the NSW mid north coast.

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